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Situace translidí v Evropě

Během léta vydala ILGA-Europe speciální číslo věnované situaci translidí v Evropě. Články jsou sice anglicky, ale určitě stojí za přečtení!


ILGA-Europe’s annual conference: “Think globally, act locally”
Gender identity in EU legislation: Achievements and challenges ahead
The Irish Equality Authority: Mainstreaming equality and gender identity
Transgender EuroStudy: A call for change
TransGender Europe: Improving trans people’s living conditions
European Courts on trans rights: Mapping the transition towards full legal equality
Transphobic hate crime: Brutal killing of Gisberta
Real lives, real stories: Secret of my sex
“Sterile yet? Don’t be alarmed, it’s standard procedure!”
Transforming politics: The transgender equality struggle taken to parliament
Thomas Hammarberg: Determined to fight for trans rights
Creative families: Reproducing the non-nuclear family
Sociology of gender: Disassembling the social construct

Ke stažení

Trans Europe

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